The Ritz-Carlton, Doha Spa is delighted to be hosting one of the most well-known celebrity facialists, Su-Man Hsu, from 25 April until 5 May 2018, offering her legendary five-star signature facial to in-house and external guests.

Based in London and loved by a number of A-lister stars including Anne Hathaway, Juliette Binoche, Frieda Pinto and Sienna Miller, Su-Man has built a reputation over the past ten years for her shiatsu and Pilates-inspired facial massage and its reported non-surgical facelift effects.

Her renowned facial, an alternative to Botox is aimed to reawaken the skin through massage by plumping, nourishing and lifting the skin. Her signature treatment includes an initial skin analysis, firm shiatsu massage for the scalp, arms, hands and feet to release underlying tensions that can interfere with the natural beauty of the face. The skin is deeply cleansed with steaming, before Su-Man extracts impurities, exfoliates, tones and moisturises the face with her carefully designed massaging techniques and her own specially created skincare products.

Originally from a farming family in Taiwan, Su-Man’s understanding of nature and beauty was passed down from generation to generation. This knowledge, combined with traditional Taiwanese skincare methods, has inspired her to elevate facialism into art.

Throughout her signature facial, each massage stroke is repeated 36 times in accordance with the ancient Chinese belief that the number six is lucky and helps lead the individual to the perfect state of health and happiness. Su-Man’s aim is to rebalance the energy and moisture in the skin, and to reinvigorate all of the muscles in the face and surrounding areas, resulting in healthy, lifted and luminous skin.

Su man Ritz-Carlton

Su-Man is adamant that while life changes your skin, she can change the skin for life. She said:

Skincare should be a ritual and not a chore. Have a love affair with your skin and you will transform it beyond recognition.’

Su-Man’s signature facial is available at The Ritz-Carlton, Doha Spa each day throughout her residency (excluding 30 April). Appointments are limited to five each day and advanced reservations are necessary.


QAR 1,500 for a 60-minute signature facial
QAR 2,000 for a 90-minute signature facial

The Ritz-Carlton Doha Spa is a luxury re-imagined urban escape, inspired by the secrets of the sea and the pearls of the Arabian Gulf, where guests and visitors can escape 24 hours, 7 days a week.

For more information or reservations, visit, call 4484 8000 or email [email protected].