Summer is here and so is the ice cream! If your kids eat a lot of ice cream with sticks, this fun craft is a great way to reuse them by making woven popsicle stick baskets.

The baskets can be used as pencil holders or as planters. Your choice!

All you need is:

  • Popsicle sticks
  • Plastic or paper cups (good idea to reuse ice cream cups)
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Colourful yarns

Begin by using a pair of scissors to cut the top section off of a 3.5 inch wide cup, leaving about two inches left on the base of the cup. Then, with hot glue, add popsicle sticks around the base of the cup, leaving just a small space between them. You’ll need to add an odd number for the weaving to work.

Begin weaving by tying a knot around one of the sticks first and trim any excess yarn. Push the loop down to the top of the cup line. Weave the yarn between the sticks by alternating in front and behind each stick as you work around the cup. Continue this process to create rows of yarn. You can push down the rows as you go to make them even and close together.

To add another colour of yarn, trim the previous colour and tie the end to a new colour of yarn with a double knot. Trim any excess yarn and hide the knot on the backside of one of the sticks. Continue weaving with the new colour. Apply the same process as you add a new colour of yarn.

Once you have reached the top of the cup, trim the yarn and secure to the back of a stick with a dab of hot glue.

Click here for a tutorial!

Tip: Add colour to your popsicle stick basket by using a different colour. How about a rainbow? If you’re not using yarn, as you start gluing the sticks, make sure to leave no space between them.

Get more craft ideas here.