In this recipe series, we bring you recipes by Julia Toon, culinary motivator and author of the book ‘Good Eating: A Taste of Qatar’. New recipes every week, straight from Jules of the Kitchen

Organic Spelt Cheese Scones 

Home Baking

Hello everyone,

As we now move forward into 2024 and unbelievably hit the second month of the year, let us celebrate with Home Baking and another great favourite of mine, delicious Organic Spelt Cheese Scones. An easy adaptation on the classic cheese scone using quality organic stoneground, high fibre Spelt flour and smooth Dijon mustard. For those of you who wish to omit dairy, use non dairy substitutes and if Spelt flour is impossible to source, a quality organic wholemeal will suffice.


JOTK - Signature-01

Makes 8 scones | Preparation time: 20 minutes | Cooking time: 20 minutes | Oven temp : 200ºC


  • 450g organic Spelt flour – or wholemeal, sifted 6 tsp baking powder
  • 200g tasty cheddar – grated
  • 75g butter – chilled, cubed
  • Pinch of salt (optional)
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 200ml milk


  • Extra milk
  • Extra tasty cheddar – grated


1. Dry mix

Sift the flour, baking powder into a large bowl. Add a pinch of salt (optional). Add the butter and cut into the flour with two flat bladed knives. When ready rub between the fingers until resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add the grated cheese. Mix well.

2. Add liquid

Add 1 tsp of Dijon mustard to the milk. Stir well. Tip this into the centre of the cheesy scone mixture. Bring together to form a soft dough. If dry add more milk (50ml should be enough).

3. Shape

Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured board. Cut in half, and gently roll the dough with a floured rolling pin to a generous 3-4cm thickness. Using a medium sized floured cutter, cut round shapes. Repeat the process with the second half. If cutter not available cut into squares with a knife. Any excess dough left after cutting, gently roll and use again.

4. Bake

Line a flat baking tray with a sheet of non stick baking paper, and place each scone on top. Brush each top with a light milk wash and top with grated cheese. Place in a hot oven and bake until golden brown.

5. Serve!

Delicious hot but equally as good cold, on their own or halved and enjoyed the traditional farmhouse butter.


I am very partial to wholemeal flour in particular brown spelt flour but of course these delightful scones can be made with a quality organic wholemeal flour if sourcing spelt is impossible.

These scones freeze well or keep up to 3 days in a plastic container with a quick brief heat up in the microwave as delicious when served warm.