Representatives of different business councils registered with Qatar Financial Centre (QFC) recently met to discuss the ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ consequences of having registered under QFC. 

Why Qatar and why QFC were two major points raised during the meet. All members emphasised the willingness of the centre to assist, and to the speed and efficiency of its services. Everyone agreed to work closer and do more things together. They set up a meet every first Wednesday of every quarter.

As Qatar is currently opening up the country’s business sector to more direct foreign ownership, the QFC structure will very soon open to different kinds of businesses that previously could not register with them. Business Councils will be informed to notify the companies within their respective platform.

Spanish Business Council Chairman Jose Vicente, in his talk before the gathering, spoke about the beginning of the council and how they successfully managed the members within its fold, how they organise regular events, encouraging more inter-personal interactions and networking.

For more information about the services of QFC, visit their website at