Qatar-Finland International School was established in 2014 as the first Finnish International School in the world which follows the Finnish Curriculum. We have over 700 students of 67 different nationalities, from grade 0 to 10. This year we will be implementing our High School which is the first of it’s kind outside of Finland.

Why Finland and Finnish approach? We believe that our child-centred, age-appropriate and hands-on approach will provide the students with life-long learning skills. We use technology as a tool but at the same time value student interaction and teamwork.

This week is Kindness Week at the school. There are several activities arranged connected to the theme. Some of the activities are:

  • Pet adoption: Students in the lower grades adopt a donated stuffed animal that they read to daily.
  • Kindness challenge in Social media: 7th graders make Kindness challenge videos from which three are chosen to be shown in all classes the following week.
  • Storybook reading: 8th and 9th graders visit the lower grades and read to the students.

For more information about Qatar-Finland International School and Kindness Week, please follow us on Facebook: and Instagram by the username @qfischool.

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