The Qatar-Indonesia 2023 Year of Culture will soon come to an end, leaving an indelible mark on the cultural landscape of both nations.

A joint 12-month endeavour, the Year of Culture sought to deepen the understanding of Qatar as a hub for arts and culture, tourism, education, and sports while celebrating the unique aspects of Indonesian culture and fostering sustainable partnerships through more than 50 programmes across Qatar and Indonesia.

Qatar-Indonesia 2023 Year of Culture Ends Leaving Lasting Legacy

Years of Culture is an annual partnership between Qatar and other nations that gives people an opportunity to explore each other’s way of life, traditions, and achievements.

Years of Culture Spokesperson and Legacy Coordinator Aljazi Al Khayareen, said: “Years of Culture believes that creative industries, social development, innovation, and cultural heritage are all cultural elements that shape the character of a nation and form the basis of Years of Culture programming. The incredible support we received from Years of Culture partners, the Years of Culture Organizing Committee, and the governments of both countries helped bring these pillars to life for the people of Qatar and Indonesia, making Qatar-Indonesia 2023 the model for successful future collaborations.”

Programmes, Events, and Exchanges

The year kicked off with a grand reception at the Museum of Islamic Art, showcasing Indonesia’s rich history through artifacts in newly dedicated galleries focusing on Southeast Asia. Culinary journeys during Ramadan, a special theatrical presentation at the Katara Opera House, and a student volunteer initiative with the Education Above All Foundation highlighted the diverse range of activities.

Qatar-Indonesia 2023 Year of Culture Ends Leaving Lasting Legacy In Indonesia, participants from both nations joined the CultuRide cycling tour to Borobudur, celebrating shared passions for sports. An extensive Culinary Journey saw Qatari chefs exploring Indonesia’s gastronomy, culminating at the Ubud Food Festival.

 The Photography Journey, the Years of Culture’s longest-running exchange programme, captured fading traditions through the photographers’ lens. Hands-on workshops brought Indonesian craftspeople to Qatar, showcasing expertise in batik-making, straw-puppet-making, pottery, and the Tari Merak traditional dance.

Exhibitions and Collaborations

A coffee exhibition, “Growing Kopi, Drinking Qahwa,” at the National Museum of Qatar, was created in collaboration with the National Museum of Indonesia and explored the shared appreciation for hospitality and coffee rituals. The exhibition is open now through 17 February 2024. Additionally, the “Dialogue of Papers” collaboration between Qatari artist Yousef Ahmad and Indonesian artist Widi Pangestu Sugiono showcased the ability of humans to adapt and thrive in distinct environments through intricate paper art.

International Volunteerism and Education

The Qatar-Indonesia 2023 Year of Culture marked Qatar Museums’ first international volunteer trip to SMKN 1 ROTA BAYAT School in Yogyakarta, offering workshops on digital marketing, photography, event management, and cultural exchange.

Looking Ahead

The success of the Qatar-Indonesia 2023 Year of Culture serves as a testament to the power of cultural exchange and collaboration. Participating in this year’s programmes opened new avenues for artistic expression for many creatives in Qatar and Indonesia and strengthened the bonds of friendship between Qatar and Indonesia, which will continue through legacy initiatives and ongoing cooperation in the realms of travel, tourism, creative industries, and others in the years to come.

To find out more about Qatar’s Year of Culture please visit their website:

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